Why Now’s The Perfect Time to Take on a Strategic Partner

COVID-19 has shaken up the business landscape like nothing we’ve witnessed before in our lifetimes. No one quite knows yet what the new normal l will be, but we believe it will be significantly different than the old normal. A couple of examples: recent reports in the news state we have had five years of...

Remote Work Tips For Settling Into the New Normal

As the world adjusts to self-isolation in lieu of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has brought up some interesting questions that even remote teams, like ours, face. While we’re pros at handling projects remotely for our clients, the fact of the matter is, even we’re facing a new normal. Some people believe this should be nothing...

Gullview Can Save Your Company Money. Here’s How.

We hear it quite often that when companies first look into IT staff augmentation, they aren’t really sure if the move will provide the return on investment they are hoping for.  Concerns about having someone else do the work, instead of themselves, play on their mind. They worry about whether doing work remotely will yield...

The True Cost of IT Employee Turnover to Your Business

Digital transformation often times takes longer than anyone expects. Let’s face it, transformation of your enterprise and your technology platforms requires a significant effort. One element that does get overlooked in the transformation effort, which often means taking longer than expected, is employee turnover. Your job as a tech CIO is to get stuff done—to...

5 Reasons Why a Lakeshore Partner is Better than an Offshore

When companies first think about finding a partner for new software development or for help in ongoing enhancements, they will often think of offshore teams. After all, offshore development often is viewed as costing less than hiring teams who are onshore. Sometimes that’s true, but more often than not, there are hidden costs companies don’t...

3 Reasons Your IP is at Risk with Offshore IT

Have you been considering your options for outsourcing your IT and software development to an offshore agency? At first blush, it might seem like overseas developers are the way to go. They can have attractive hourly rates and their teams are often just as skilled as developers here in the United States. However, there’s a...

Why You Need a Bridge Between Employees & Contractors

Is your company having a hard time keeping up with the IT solution needs of the business? Responding to the growing solution and workflow needs of any company while also grappling with constantly evolving technology can put a strain on just about any size IT organization. To keep from being left behind, it’s essential to...

10 Reasons Why Gullview Technologies is the IT Partner You’ll Stick With

Many companies (maybe even yours) have reached the tipping point in their IT organization and current systems architecture. The IT workforce can no longer keep up with the growing workload and demands from the business. CIOs who hadn’t before are now thinking about turning to outsourcing for help. The challenge with offshore — and even...

Offshore, Onshore, Lakeshore — What’s the Difference?

As the need for innovative software development continues to explode across all industries, CIOs are finding it difficult to meet requirements, deadlines, and budgets. There are typically three choices to choose from: hire more employees, outsource to offshore teams, or outsource to onshore teams. But what if we provided you another option: lakeshore? When it comes...